Face Care

  • Face Care,  Hair Removal,  Products & Reviews,  Skincare Devices

    Finishing Touch Flawless Facial Hair Remover Review – Does It Really Work

    The Finishing Touch Flawless Facial Hair Remover is one of those products that I continually eyeballed for several months before finally deciding to buy one. I kept seeing it everywhere, from ads on tv to ads on my laptop as well as on the shelves of several department stores I ventured into. It was a JML product and I’m no stranger to those, in fact, I use their mineral magic face powder which I really love so I was hoping that this little item would be an effective addition to my skincare device collection. But if I’m being honest, I couldn’t help but be sceptical because this was after all…

  • sweet-almond-oil-for-skin-and-hair
    Face Care,  Facial Moisturiser,  Natural Skincare,  Products & Reviews

    Sweet Almond Oil For Skin And Hair – My 12 Week Test To See If It Really Works

    If I had a pound for every time I heard people talking about how they use sweet almond oil for skin and hair purposes, I’d be swimming in a serious amount of coins by now. And its not just sweet almond oil either, its coconut oil, argan oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, the list just goes on and on. But here’s the thing, do any of these oils actually work and if so, which ones work best on which areas? I personally alternate between three different oils currently and they are sweet almond oil, coconut oil and argan oil but because I interchange them regularly, its very hard to distinguish…

  • boots-no7-protect-&-perfect-intense-advanced-night-cream-review
    Face Care,  Facial Moisturiser,  Products & Reviews

    Boots No7 Protect & Perfect Intense Advanced Night Cream Review

    The Boots No7 Protect & Perfect Intense Advanced Night Cream is a product that I’ve used intermittently over the years but for some reason, I’ve never gotten around to writing a review on it. I remember when this range was first introduced and there was such a serious amount of hype surrounding it all because of a documentary claiming that this range (the serum in particular) was clinically proven to actually work at reducing wrinkles. Women were literally lining up outside Boots stores before they even opened and stampeding through the aisles to strip the shelves bare faster than you can shake a tic tac. One tabloid newspaper even wrote…

  • Exfoliation,  Face Care

    What Is Beta Hydroxy Acid And Who Is It Best For

    What is beta hydroxy acid and what exactly is it used for in the skincare world. If you’re new to chemical exfoliants then chances are you’ve heard the term AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids) and BHA (beta hydroxy acid) but you may not necessarily know exactly what they are, how they work or who they’re best suited for. For a long time, I ignored them and didn’t use them in my skincare routine mainly because firstly I didn’t understand them and secondly because if I’m being totally honest, they kinda scared me a little. In reality though, my fear was unjust and it turned out that they are actually very effective…

  • The Benefits Of Almond Oil For Skin
    Face Care,  Natural Skincare

    The Benefits Of Almond Oil For Skin

    There are numerous oils used for skin care purposes and because of the benefits of almond oil for skin, it has earned a well-deserved place as one of the favourites. And although it’s not quite as non-comedogenic as the popular argan oil, it is still relatively low on the “pore clogging scale” which means that it’s generally unlikely to cause most people issues on the pore clogging front. Almonds and almond oil have long been known for their health benefits but almond oil also has numerous benefits when applied to the skin too and there are a lot of different ways in which you can use it making it quite…

  • What Is Alpha Hydroxy Acid
    Exfoliation,  Face Care,  Ingredients

    What Is Alpha Hydroxy Acid And How Does It Benefit Your Skin

    So, what is alpha hydroxy acid in the world of skincare and what can it do for your skin. You’ve more than likely heard of it before at least by its more common name of AHA but what exactly is it and what can you expect from using it. Well, it turns out quite a bit especially if you’re looking to up your anti-aging skincare game. If your end goal is for smoother, clearer and healthier looking skin, then AHAs may just be another great addition to complement your existing skincare arsenal. What Are AHAs AHAs are chemical compounds that are used in skincare products as a chemical exfoliant to…

  • How To Do A Skin Patch Test
    Body Care,  Face Care,  Skincare Basics

    How To Do A Skin Patch Test And Why It’s So Important

    If you’ve ever wondered how to do a skin patch test with a new skin care product then believe me you’re not alone because many people have no idea how to do one. In fact, how many of us don’t even bother with a skin patch test every time we come home with a brand new fancy skin care product (hand firmly raised high here) because let’s face it who wants to wait right. You didn’t just spend all that money on your new supposedly age reversing product to then have to wait several days before you can fully cake your face in it, right?. Well, I get it and…

  • Manuka Doctor Apinourish Age Defying Serum Review
    Face Care,  Products & Reviews,  Serum Reviews,  serums

    Manuka Doctor Apinourish Age-Defying Serum Review

    The Manuka Doctor Apinourish Age-Defying Serum is a product from the increasingly popular Manuka Doctor company and this particular product is part of their Apinourish range. Just in case you’re new to the brand, Manuka Doctor is the skincare company that combines both manuka honey and bee venom into their skincare products and it’s making them more and more popular in the process. It’s no secret that I’m having quite the love affair with Manuka Doctor products at the moment to the point where I’ve just bought another four new products to test out and review. This particular serum though is not new to me. I actually tried this serum…

  • Copper For Skin
    Face Care,  Ingredients

    The Anti-Aging Benefits Of Copper For Skin

    People have been using copper for skin care purposes for centuries all the way back as far as Egyptian times but what is it about this precious metal that’s so beneficial for skin? Often hailed by numerous ancient civilizations for having mystical powers, copper has been used for many different reasons ranging from pain relief to boosting the immune system and even boosting hair health and healing wounds. Some even swear that wearing it improves their mood and overall feeling of well being and from a skin care point of view it seems to have numerous benefits that have many singing its praises. In fact, it’s often added to many…

  • Magnesium For Skin
    Face Care,  Vitamins & Minerals For Skin

    Magnesium For Skin – Why It’s So Beneficial

    Increasing your intake of magnesium for skin health purposes (and of course body health purposes too) can be a lot more beneficial than you probably realise. Magnesium probably isn’t the first thing you’d think about when considering important vitamins and minerals for skin health because the likes of vitamin C, vitamin E, Zinc etc pretty much steal the limelight but the importance of magnesium shouldn’t be underestimated. Magnesium is essential for over 300 reactions throughout the body and contributes towards digestive health, heart health, bone and muscle health as well as numerous others. Amazingly it’s estimated that in America alone, almost 75% – 80% of the population is deficient in…