Superfoods For Skin – Why I Can’t Get Enough Of Bioglan Supergreens

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There are tons of superfoods for skin out there but I came across a product that I just had to write about and that’s Bioglan Superfoods – Supergreens. Now, this product is not exactly sold for its skincare benefits but with so many vitamins and minerals in it, it was bound to have an effect on skin condition.

It’s not just topically applied products that are important when it comes to good skin care, our intake (or lack thereof) of important skin benefiting vitamins and minerals can have an enormous effect on the condition and appearance of our skin.

An Accidental Discovery

Bioglan SupergreensThis was actually a completely accidental discovery that had absolutely nothing to do with skincare, in fact, it wasn’t even me that was using it in the beginning, it was my husband. He used to work for a big health store chain and one day he decided to bring some of this stuff home because both he and I are rather reluctant vegetable eaters. That’s not to say that we don’t eat veg but we definitely don’t eat as much of it as we know we should.

By the way, Bioglan does a whole range of these including Superberries to Superfoods green boost but because our main concern was our vegetable intake, this was the one we went for (no shortage of fruit smoothie drinkers in this house) although this one does also pretty much contain every superfood you could imagine. He thought this would be a great way to increase our intake and so did I until I saw what it looked like.

It’s Look And Taste

So my husband proceeded to make both I and himself one of these to try out and to say that I ran from the room in refusal would be an understatement. It literally looked like he’d dug up a piece of the garden and put it into a glass to drink. It was the darkest, greenest liquid I’ve ever seen with lots of bits (bits of what I don’t know) floating in it and there wasn’t a chance in hell that I was putting that anywhere near my mouth, I do have limits you know.

This continued to be my stance on it for several weeks despite my husbands greatest efforts to convince me otherwise. He continued to tell me how great he’d been feeling since using it and how much more energy he had but my husband is a fitness fanatic so he’s already got tons of energy to start with so I just wasn’t buying it. As far as I was concerned, he’d have said anything to get me to try it.

Several more weeks past and then one day while we were standing in the kitchen, I noticed something that I hadn’t noticed before and that was my husband’s skin. He had this healthy glow and his skin seemed clearer and smoother than normal. His response was, “I think it’s the supergreens” and although my initial response was “of course you do”, I started to wonder if maybe it was.

The Reluctant First Taste

SupergreensAt this point, I had to at least try it because if that was the reason for my husband’s sudden skin improvement then I wanted in on it. So, I made myself a glass and started off by smelling it. Now I expected it to smell like muddy grass but it actually smelled like sweet candy. So with that, I tried a sip and to my surprise, it actually had a sweet bubblegum type taste to it (it now has a bit of a peach tang to it but that sweet bubblegum taste is still there).

It was a little bitty which normally I wouldn’t like but the sweet taste made up for that, at least until you get to the bottom of it when it then becomes extremely bitty but I just leave that last mouthful as it’s a bit too much for me (doesn’t seem to matter how much you stir it). All in all though, it’s drinkable and actually kind of nice in a weird bitty kind of way so I started adding it to my morning breakfast routine to see if my husband was on to something.

What I Noticed

There were actually a few things that I noticed after a few weeks of using this and yes my husband was right, I did feel really good and more energetic than normal. But that wasn’t all, there were two other things that I started to notice and that was my hair and skin. My hair was in the best condition that it had been in years, it was thicker, longer, smoother, shinier, you get the idea.

My skin was brighter, I had that same healthy glow that I first noticed on my husband. It was also clearer and smoother, there were a few areas where I was starting to notice some fine lines appearing and they all seemed much less noticeable. I just looked overall fresher and healthier but it was a very noticeable difference.

In fact, with my husband, people started commenting on his skin at his place of work to which he would pick up a bag of Bioglan Supergreens and say “it’s this stuff, you should try it”. He’s such a good salesman LOL but he was right, it was but it’s packed with so many good vitamins and mineral that I don’t know why it came as such a surprise to me how much of a good impact it had on my skin.

Bioglan superfoods ingredients and nutrition

What’s In It

So for the somewhat boring bit, I’m not going to take you through every single thing that’s in it because there’s just way too many different ingredients (81 in total) to go through but I will tell you about the ones that jump out at me from a skin care point of view. But if you really want to know the full list then take a look at the pictures above, one is the full ingredients list (take a deep breath before you start, it’s a long list) and the other is the nutritional information.

Okay, here it goes: flaxseed powder, wheatgrass powder, broccoli powder, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), potassium, magnesium, beetroot powder, alpha tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), carrot powder, spinach powder, resveratrol, pineapple powder, beta-carotene, acai powder, kale powder, zinc, niacin, cocoa bean extract, chia seed powder, Co-enzyme Q10, kelp powder, green tea extract, goji berry powder and that’s not even half of them. Phew, that was exhausting, I feel healthier already.

It’s no surprise that with all those ingredients it becomes a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and folic acid just to name a few. It also contains selenium too which is another skin benefiting mineral as well as being gluten free, dairy free, vegan, nut free and soy free making it suitable for even those with dietary restrictions.

How To Use It

supergreen smoothieYou can actually make it in numerous ways but I prefer to just add it to water although you need to stir it vigorously to limit that bitty issue. It can be added to smoothies too but as it’s already really sweet, I personally find it a bit too much from a sweetness point of view but then again it really depends on what else is in the smoothie.

If you don’t like it either of those two ways, you could also sprinkle the Bioglan Supergreens onto your cereal or add to your yogurt as well. In fact, you could pretty much add it to anything and according to the back of the packet, you can add it to foods that you’re baking too which is a great way to consume it if you don’t particularly like the taste of it.

Final Thoughts

I really like this stuff despite my initial reaction to its appearance and it’s a great way for someone like me who isn’t the biggest vegetable eater to get all those vitamins and nutrients that I otherwise would be lacking or low in. It isn’t the cheapest of products to buy but it’s worth every penny in my book just for its skin benefits alone let alone its obvious health benefits as well, even if it does look like a glass of weird green garden foliage.

Let me know what you think if you do decide to try it or if you use any other product similar to this one that you’ve found has had a great impact on your skin’s appearance.





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