The Benefits of Argan Oil for the Skin

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There’s always something new and exciting in the world of skin care and argan oil is certainly one of them but what are the benefits of argan oil for the skin that make it so popular. I have used argan oil before for hair care purposes but have never tried it for skin care. As I’m pretty obsessed with anything that’s meant to be beneficial to the skin, I had to dive right into this one to check out what it can actually do.

Argan oil is high in Vitamin E, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants, all of which are commonly found in many skin care products especially those for anti-aging. The oil is derived from the nut that is inside the fruit of the argan tree which is found in the argan forest in Morocco.

The Moroccan natives have been using it for years and swear by it not only for its skin and hair nourishing properties but also for its rash and wound healing abilities too so for best results, stick to pure organic unrefined argan oil to get the most benefits.

What Can It Do

Argan Oil For Skin

It has a multitude of uses and even though it is found in many products nowadays, you can buy the oil in its purest form and use it either on its own or mixed with some of your favourite products. If you’re really creative, you can also use it to make many different homemade skin care products from an exfoliant to a toner. And unlike many other oils, it’s one of the least pore-clogging of them all which makes it suitable for almost all skin types.

As A Skin Moisturiser

The vitamin E and fatty acids found in argan oil make it an excellent moisturiser for both the face and body. It absorbs easily and it hydrates and softens the skin without causing irritation. Do use it sparingly though as a little goes a long way. You shouldn’t be left looking like a greasy mess but if you are then you’ve used too much. A few drops gently rubbed into the skin should be more than ample.

To Treat Dry Skin

Argan oil is particularly effective at soothing and relieving dry skin. Applying a few drops to the affected areas can moisturise and hydrate the area to help treat and prevent further dryness. Some people suffering from eczema or psoriasis have used argan oil to help ease the symptoms and have claimed that it has given them relief from irritation and itchiness. Dry feet, in particular, can also benefit from argan oils moisturising and hydrating qualities when used as a leave on treatment.

For Anti-Aging Purposes

The antioxidant properties of pure argan oil make it great for anti-aging. It can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and apparently has a firming effect by helping to restore elasticity in the skin. Its moisturising and hydrating effect leaves the skin softer and smoother and can even leave you with a youthful glow. Its high vitamin E content is also said to be effective at reducing the appearance of marks and scars.

To Treat Shaving Rash

Argan Oil Skincare Uses

Men and women alike can benefit from argan oil to help soothe and treat shaving rash. Due to its healing properties, applying a few drops to the affected area can soothe and heal the inflammation and soreness and some people say it can even reduce the occurrence of ingrown hairs too.

To Help Treat Acne

Argan oil has soothing and healing properties which can help ease the inflammation caused by acne and help the damaged skin to heal. It can even help rebalance natural oil production and reduce the occurrence of oily skin which often leads to acne. When the skin is not getting enough oil, it will often overproduce too much of it to correct the problem which in turn then causes the opposite problem of oily skin which can then result in acne.

As A Lip Conditioner

Argan oil is also good for moisturising dry, sore, cracked lips so it can make a very effective lip balm all on its own. Apply a drop or two to lips to keep them supple, soft and conditioned and wipe away any excess. This is an extra handy tip during those cold winter months.

As A Hair Conditioner

Of course, we can’t forget about its hair conditioning properties. Argan oil is an excellent hair conditioner that can help repair, smooth, soften and strengthen hair as well as adding gloss and shine to dull hair. It can also be used as a treatment for dry, damaged hair or to help treat split ends. It can be used to tame frizzy or flyaway hair and can also help to moisturise the scalp to prevent dandruff and dryness.

For Breast Firming…..Say What Now!

Argan Oil Breast Firming

Yes, ladies, breast firming. I literally almost fell off my chair when I came across this one. So okay it’s not just the argan oil, it has other added ingredients but I had to include it because……well it’s breast firming, oh and did I happen to mention that it’s BREAST FIRMING!

This stuff is called Dr. Organic Moroccan Argan Oil Breast Firming Cream and it’s actually reported to be pretty effective. Simply rub it onto your girlies and let it work its magic and give gravity a run for its money.

I Love It Already

Well, I don’t know about you but the last one certainly justified it for me. If you haven’t tried argan oil before then you really should give it a go. You just might like it. The only thing I would add is that I personally don’t like the smell of it but maybe that’s just me but for the sake of skincare, I’m willing to deal with it especially considering all of its uses and benefits.

What about you. What do you think about argan oil? If you’d like to share your thoughts on the subject, please feel free to leave a comment below.

P.S I’m so sorry about the breast firming picture but what can I say, the mood took me.




  • Steven

    This sounds like a little bottle of a miracle, you say it firms breasts? does this include man breasts.

    I’m going to book this page as my misses is obsessed with skin products at the minute she uses cocoa butter.

    is argan oil superior to cocoa butter and what’s the comparison of price between these two before i show her your article

    • Jessie

      Hi Steven

      Argan oil really is a pretty versatile product. I actually just checked a few Dr Organic reviews to see if any men had used it and they have so yes, it looks like men can use it also. Cocoa butter is also a very good moisturiser and I happen to use the Palmer’s one myself but it is comedogenic (pore-clogging) so I tend to stay away from the face with it although some people can tolerate it there.

      In my opinion, argan oil is much better because it has so many other benefits and I’ve personnally had better results with it but it is more expensive, sometimes double the price if not more depending on the brand you buy. I hope that helps.

  • Cathy

    Great introduction to argan oil. I first heard about it in one of the products from The Body Shop. I think it’s called the Wild Argan Oil.

    I am also an enthusiast when it comes to healthy skin care, but I’ve never tried this product before. When buying argan oil, what criteria would you look at to make sure that it’s a genuine product? Thanks!

    • Jessie

      Hi Cathy

      I always go for pure 100% unrefined cold pressed organic argan oil and always purchase it from a reputable retailer. Unrefined cold pressed means that nothing is added and the oil is not heated above a temperature that would damage the nutrients. The ingredients list should be nothing other than 100% argan oil (it may be listed as Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil), there shouldn’t be anything else added to it.

      Argan oil also has quite a distinctive smell to it which some describe as nutty while others describe it as smelling like a rubber band (I’m one of those who thinks it smells like a rubber band). But the biggest thing is the price. It takes a lot of work to make argan oil and that’s one of the reasons why it’s quite expensive. If you find an argan oil that’s relatively cheap in price, then it’s more than likely that it’s not an authentic product.

      I hope that helps.

  • Wing

    So many uses! I can replace lotion and chap sticks with this for sure. Plus knowing that it’s a natural product makes me feel much better applying it. Who knows what they put in the synthetic products, even the ones say it’s all natural? Thanks for the article. I will be using this.

  • Gary

    Wow tons of great information i didnt know this great product existed i am glad i found it i have two friends obsessed with skin care and oils i will be sharing this to them now . Looking after your skin is so important and alot of people dont know that or others dont know how and the information here will provide everyone with what they need here 🙂

    • Jessie

      Thanks Gary. Argan oil is an excellent product and can be used for so many different things for both men and women alike. I’m glad it sparked your interest.

  • Maria

    I love Argan Oil. I always use it as a preventative ingrown hair treatment. It works amazing because it softens the skin and doesn’t trap the hair. I also love Argan oil for my hair, it is great for taming fly always and nourishing dry hair. I also agree its very important to buy unrefined, certified organic Argan oil, it is one of the most altered oils, or mixed with other base ingredients to make it a cheaper product to make. So to get the real benefits of Argan oil it has to be pure. Great Article!

    • Jessie

      Hi Maria

      I totally agree. There’s a lot of cheap Argan oils out there that are just not the real thing. It’s better to spend the extra and buy an authentic product if you really want to have any kind of benefit from it. I’m glad you enjoyed the article.

  • Louise

    I had no idea that Argan oil had so many benefits! I have seen that it comes in all different forms, is the pure oil the best rather than some of the moisturisers? It is quite pricey but I love using it on my hair as I find it makes it so shiny.

    I love the breast firming picture

    • Jessie

      Hi Louise

      I couldn’t help myself when I saw the breast picture, it just fit in so well with the paragraph topic :D. It does come in many forms and there are plenty of good products out there that use argan oil as part of their formula but you’re probably best sticking with trusted brands if you want to be sure you’re getting a good product.

      I do think that there’s something nice about having the pure form because at least you know it doesn’t have anything potentially problematic added to it but I do agree, it can sometimes be a little pricey.

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